Monday, December 21, 2015

Availability - Festives Season

Business as usual throughout these year end festives season.
(24 December 2015 - 04 January 2016)

M e r r y C h r i s t m a s
H a p p y N e w Y e a r !

- doodle by my brother, Lemi Al-Kably
pen on paper
"Tennessee", abstract
Lemi Al-Kably Doodles.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


/\ Lola Boy /\
/\ Jelly Bean /\
/\ Jiggie Girl /\
/\ Hibiscus /\
/\ Hydrangea /\
/\ The Lady /\

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Johorean Words

Johor is the most southern state of Peninsular Malaysia. Its capital, Johor Bahru, is my hometown. We Johoreans have our own list of Malay words used in our everyday life. Some of the words are compiled here.

Perkataan Melayu Johor                 
Malay Word)
Maksud Am Dalam Bahasa Malaysia
(Meaning in Malaysian Malay)
Bahasa Inggeris (English) 
air masak air suam/ air biasa yang telah dimasak boiled plain water 
ais kacang air batu campur/ abc mixed ice in a bowl with syrup, chocolate syrup, milk, creamy corn, red beans
aisbok (icebox) peti ais/ peti sejuk fridge/ refrigerator
ambik/amek ambil take
ambin pelantar yang dibina di dalam rumah platform made of wood installed in a house for people to sit or sleep
bacin bau seperti belacan atau ikan kering stinky rotten smell 
berdesing bunyi/ bau yang tajam a sharp noise/ smell
berendut bertemu teman wanita/lelaki dating
berjejeh melelehkan air dripping water
berkecah berserak cluttered, messy, things scattered, untidy
berladung air/ cecair bertakung full of liquid
berlengging tidak memakai baju (orang lelaki) topless (men not wearing anything on their upper body)
bihun goreng bihun digoreng putih fried rice noodle (white/ plain)
bilik air bilik mandi shower room/ bathroom
bobos bocor besar arah ke bawah torn/ broken downward
cega/cege bersiap sedia menunggu preparing to wait for somebody/ to wait at a point
eksen (action) berlagak cocky
endut teman wanita/ lelaki girlfriend/ boyfriend
enjin/ enjen mesin jahit sewing machine (non-electric/ manual)
gebar selimut blanket
gerobok almari cupboard or wardrobe
godak mengacau sehingga larut/ mengacau rata di dalam
stirring thoroughly to the bottom of the container
jajan makanan ringan/ kudapan junkfood
jamban tandas toilet
jemput-jemput cekodok fritter
karang/ kang kemudian/ nanti later
kecah-lana berserak cluttered, messy, things scattered, untidy
kelesa agak malas untuk melakukan sesuatu, tidak cergas, tidak rajin not active, lethargy
kemut kedekut stingy
kerek berlagak cocky, swanky, uppish
kesep tidak kembung/ tidak berbiji not bloated/ seedless
kokot mengambil sampai habis semua taking all/ scraping all up
kolah kolam setinggi paras pinggang biasanya untuk menakung air di dalam
bilik mandi
a waist level pool built of concrete to keep/retain water for bath
lawa cantik pretty/ beautiful
leca/ lece tilam nipis mattress
leceh menyusahkan, melambatkan, lambat finicky, dilly-dally, late
melaram bergaya biasanya dengan berpakaian baru dan cantik dressing-up stylishly, normally with new clothes/ attire
melawa berhias dan berpakaian cantik dolled-up, normally for women
melilau berjalan tanpa arah tujuan walking around aimlessly
menais menitis mengeluarkan air watery
mendangok mendengar orang (biasanya yang lebih tua) berbual listening to other people talking (normally younger people listening to older people talking)
mengekor mengikuti following
menggelenyar tidak reti duduk diam restless
menonong jalan terus walking straight ahead
merayap berjalan-jalan walking around, driving around
mi siam bihun digoreng sedikit pedas dan berwarna merah rice noodle fried with chilli paste
nor/ nar diguna untuk menerangkan kesangatan sesuatu very
pak`kal diguna untuk menerangkan yang jika tidak kerana sesuatu itu, pasti tindakan/ perlakuan yang diambil adalah berlainan luckily, if not because
pe`el perangai behaviour
pesing bau hancing yang berdesing/tajam a pungent smell of urine
roti prata roti canai roti canai
saing pergi bersama-sama go together
sajak sesuai suitable
samrap perlakuan lembab not active, slow
setemet berjimat being thrifty
tawar hebeh melais tawar sangat-sangat a very sugarless taste
tembosa karipap daging beef curry puff Malaysian style
tepung bawang karipap sadin sardine curry puff Malaysian style
terjal nakal naughty
terkeseng-keseng terhegeh-hegeh coming slowly to project oneself
tumpah-belilah menumpahkan sesuatu dengan banyak a lot of liquid spilt/ spilled over

Info on Johor

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Availability II

Business as usual throughout the festive month of Shawwal.
(17 July - 15 August 2015)
Happy Eid ul-Fitr!

- painting by Fara Al-Kably
oil on paper
"Bougainvillea", abstract

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Available throughout the whole fasting month of Ramadan (18 June - 16 July 2015)

- painting by Fara Al-Kably
mixed media on canvas
"Bunga Kaca Piring"

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Acrylic Paintings - Landscape Series

Calm in Donetsk
- landscape series
Victorious Fall
- landscape series

Acrylic Paintings - Cat Series

- cat series
- cat series
- cat series

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Scope of Services

Internet-Based Malay Language Consultant, since year 2000
- translation from English into Malay
- writing in Malay
- editing in Malay
- linguistic analysis
- cultural and creative consultation
- research assistance
- adaptation
- proofreading
- subtitling
Source Language : English
Target Language : Malay (Malaysian)